Yo Mama for Earth Day

Here’s my latest shirt: “Yo Mama” for Earth Day. Yo Mama is the whole planet! When I was growing up, my mom would actually sign notes she wrote us with “Love, yo mama” (usually telling us to stay out of trouble while she was at work). We didn’t really listen to those notes, and my mom wasn’t really the size of the planet, but I thought this would make a funny design for Earth Day.

Mother Nature Planet Humor Tee

I now have 15 pins on the funny Earth Day Pinterest board, too.


All images copyright MK Hess

Pinterest Earth Day Board (& New Design)

I learned that CafePress has been going through some site updates and that’s what has caused the marketplace problem. When I checked today, it looks like shirts are starting to appear now. Still, I’ve moved a lot of designs to Zazzle, so it’s worth trying the other if one is temporarily problematic.

Here’s the new funny Earth Day board on Pinterest. I’ll keep adding to it as I find things that make me laugh (I’m putting my designs there along with other Earth-themed stuff I like).

And here’s the latest design:

Earth Day and Astronomy Tee Humor

I doodled an early version of this for a friend and she thought it would look cute on a shirt. Earth is such a snob!


All images copyright MK Hess

The First Earth Day Shirt


I couldn’t stop laughing while I was making this one. For some reason, drawing the little guy flying through the air, throwing himself in front of a lightning bolt (like you would take a bullet) to save a tree really amused me. I had to stop drawing sometimes, lest I mess up. Here it is:

Save a Tree Humor Tee

Farce always gives me the giggles.


Next, I will be riding a tiny bicycle across a tightrope (just kidding). Next, I’m working on some more earthy designs. I’m also becoming more acquainted with what does or does not qualify as “G” on Zazzle, for instance (I had to make my case for my albino possum vampire shirt, because of the word “sexy”). In upcoming posts, I plan to post a link to a Pinterest Earth Day board and write a personal post about why I decided to start this funny business of designing silly T-Shirts in the first place.


HaHaHolidays Zazzle

All images copyright MK Hess